3 Ways To Get Back To Password Basics

“It took one password.” This is a common comment we hear in the cybersecurity field. One person, one employee, one vendor with a weak password opens the door to your business and hackers walk right in. We discuss 3 ways to get back to password basics and our thoughts on accountability. A recent New York […]
2 Mistakes That Open The Door To Hackers: How To Protect Your Data

There are two things that open the door to hackers. Is your company data at risk? Your company is doing everything right when it comes to protecting its most valuable asset – its data – right? Perhaps not. Did you know that a hacker can infiltrate the internal networks of corporations in as little as […]
Data And The 2020 Elections: 3 Comments

According to an article in The Washington Post, many more states — in this election year — had paper ballots which would be helpful in verifying the ballot counts. You can read the entire article at the link above. Cybersecurity, data and the 2020 elections: three comments from Seth Melendez who operates from the position […]
5 Surefire Ways To Keep Remote Workers Connected

Remote workers are here to stay, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic — that is certainly how it seems, right? We held out hope that the country would get the pandemic under control and that life would go back to business as usual. So far, in the middle of November, we are eight months in and […]
What is Data Protection? 1

What is Data Protection? When we talk with our clients, the first thing we let them know is that #protectdatanow isn’t just a hashtag – it is the way in which we work with clients and the importance we place on data. In business, data drives all corners of it. When it comes to data […]
How To Prevent Accidental Data Leaks or Data Breaches. Stay Aware, Stay Safe. 0

How To Prevent Accidental Data Leaks or Data Breaches. In many cases, it is because of an error, a breach in company data protocol that opens the doors. In other words, your company could be hacked and it could be because someone in your company didn’t follow the procedures you had in place. Ask yourself […]
What Is Vishing? 5 Ways To Beat It

You’ve heard of phishing, right? Phishing is a way a cyber hacker can get into the company network by sending a malicious email. These phishing emails look legitimate to your employees and they believe it’s from someone within the company asking them to click a link. The employee clicks the link and viola – a […]
How Law Firms Manage Crisis: 5 Exclusive Steps

Crisis management is crucial for business viability, cybersecurity and data protection. When your law firm is confronted with an unexpected business interruption – Coronavirus pandemic, for example – how quickly were you able to react and pivot to the changes that came about almost without warning? Did your law firm confront the business disruption methodically, […]
What Is ‘Phishing’?

October is National Cyber Security Awareness month and we want to talk about phishing scams. What is phishing? A phishing attack is one that uses your email or a website to infect your computer, tablet or phone with viruses and/or malware. The purpose of phishing is to infiltrate your devices and collect your financial and […]