According to an article in The Washington Post, many more states — in this election year — had paper ballots which would be helpful in verifying the ballot counts. You can read the entire article at the link above. Cybersecurity, data and the 2020 elections: three comments from Seth Melendez who operates from the position of “protect data now” and the data in this case are the ballots.
Seth said, “For different reasons, some individuals have doubts on the accuracy of the ballot casing and the checks and balances. It can be a partisan concern and the simplest way to ensure there is no ballot manipulation is to isolate each collection site and silo out the tasks.”
Data And The 2020 Elections: 3 Comments
As of this writing, the President has not conceded and the votes are still being counted, challenged and validated. “In the future utilizing the human element AND using artificial intelligence (AI) might help secure the elections and help ensure a clear winner is announced on election night.” He added, “An AI is apolitical because it will, in an unbiased way, calculate and tabulate the information given and base it against the criteria and thresholds programmed.”
The ultimate goal, which at this point is not in sight, is an election system in which Russia, another adversary or even ballots that are suspect won’t be able to manipulate the vote counting. In the future it’s anticipated officials will be able to quickly and easily spot any potential manipulation and re-create an accurate count with paper records.
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WareGeeks Solutions is a Roselle, New Jersey-based complete IT consultant and solutions provider. We specialist in Data Protection, specifically Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (#BCDR). We work with law firms, real estate and property management professionals and in the healthcare industry. If you have IT or security questions contact Seth at WareGeeks Solutions. For information or a consultation, call (877) 653-7146, or email us at