Be Proactive With Cybersecurity & Ransomware Strategy: 9 Tips
There is an old saying that goes something like, “it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.” Well, we don’t think that a business owner should be asking his or her clients for forgiveness for a ransomware attack when their security walls have been breached and the customer’s personal and private information has been exposed […]
3 Reasons To Protect Data Now
Ask yourself: How much downtime can you afford? How much time do you spend fixing or addressing or patching your company’s IT? Do you, as the business owner, truly have the time or money to do that? How much is downtime costing you? You need to protect data now — before you’re forced to shut […]
Whose Fault Is It Your Business Was Hacked? 3 Tips
If your company or the company you oversee falls victim to a cyber-attack who will be blamed? Even if the cyber security attack wasn’t your “fault” you will be called irresponsible you may even be asked, “how could you be so stupid that you let a hacker do this?” This is harsh, we know BUT […]
What Is Social Engineering? 7 Explanations For Biz
Social engineering is a new form of threats that are being released upon individuals and businesses. Social engineering threats are played out through your social media platform – Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and others. Chances are you have heard of social engineering but may not be fully aware of what it is, how it works and […]
Did Your Business Continuity Plan Work? 5 Checkpoints
If things worked as they were supposed to, your company’s business continuity and disaster recovery plan worked as it was supposed to. Being shut down or having to relocate your employees to work from home because of the coronavirus pandemic might not have caused a ripple in your customer service or retention. If you didn’t […]