5 Surefire Ways To Keep Remote Workers Connected

remote workers

Remote workers are here to stay, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic — that is certainly how it seems, right? We held out hope that the country would get the pandemic under control and that life would go back to business as usual. So far, in the middle of November, we are eight months in and […]

Social Media Safety: 11 Ways To Protect Yourself

protect social media privacy data

Did you know more than 70% of all Americans use social media? Younger demographics use it more than 90%! According to Pew Reports, we are on social media and at WareGeeks Solutions, believe a majority of social media-using Americans are putting their privacy at risk. When you sign up for any of the social media […]

What is Data Protection? 1

hackers trying to get in

What is Data Protection? When we talk with our clients, the first thing we let them know is that #protectdatanow isn’t just a hashtag – it is the way in which we work with clients and the importance we place on data. In business, data drives all corners of it. When it comes to data […]