Hacking Into Your Business Data Is Surprisingly Simple: 17 Tips

Getting Into Your Business Data Is Surprisingly Simple

Chances are you have heard about the recent phishing and credential-stuffing attack on more than 1,500 companies. The ransomware group that claimed responsibility, Ransomware Evil, also known as REvil gained access through a platform called Kavesa VSA. The company did deny there was a supply chain attack, it did shut down its Saas platform. The […]

3 Ways To Get Back To Password Basics

3 Ways To Get Back To Password Basics

“It took one password.” This is a common comment we hear in the cybersecurity field. One person, one employee, one vendor with a weak password opens the door to your business and hackers walk right in. We discuss 3 ways to get back to password basics and our thoughts on accountability. A recent New York […]

How Can Your Company Be Damaged By Cybercrime? 5 Ways

employee causes cybercrime

Did you know it’s not just cybercriminals that are to blame for data breaches? It could be your own employee – malicious or inadvertent. Could your company be the victim of a cybercrime that you’re not even aware of yet? Imagine this scenario (because it really happened) an employee at a medical supply company downloaded […]