#BeCyberSmart is an awareness campaign aimed at sharing information and insight to individuals and business owners. During October, National Cyber Security Awareness Month, we will be bringing you tips and advice on securing your private data when you’re online.

If you’re like many of us, we have “smart homes” and home devices that are connected to the Internet. Those devices could include:

  1. Thermostats
  2. Doorbells and door locks
  3. Refrigerators
  4. Coffee makers and other kitchen appliances
  5. Smoke alarms
  6. and more

The benefits of these connected devices is that we can control our homes and help protect them, on our smartphones, even when we are away. Connected homes can save money and time and offer convenience and safety. However, all of this connectivity comes at a price — your cyber security.

5 Ways To Protect Your Digital Home

Technological advances are intriguing and are certainly innovative, but they can bring a new set of potential security risks. Here is how to #BeCyberSmart with your “smart home.”

  1. Secure your WiFi network with a strong password. Don’t use the factory default user name and password.
  2. Keep your devices up to date with software upgrades. You need to keep your smartphone, computers, handheld game devices and other devices that are connected to your network protected. The best way to protect yourself and your data are to update all devices to the latest security software and operating systems.
  3. Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA). When you have MFA enabled it requires you to use more than one method of logging into an account. For example, you’d use your password and would have a code sent to your smartphone which you would need to enter into the authentication field.
  4. Don’t insert a USB or any external hard drive if you don’t know where it’s coming from and if you haven’t run a security software scan first. An external device can download malware onto your devices.
  5. Trust the apps you download AND take the time to read the permissions you’re granting. Many of us simply accept the default permissions and don’t realize how much access you are giving that app to your personal and private information. Download apps from trusted vendors and trusted sources.

Enjoy your smart and connected home and/or office just do so as safely a possible.

If you’re worried that your home, legal or healthcare firm has been compromised because of smart devices, give us a call or send us an email. We can help you put cybersecurity measures in place to protect your organization’s private, secure information.

WareGeeks Solutions is a Roselle, New Jersey-based complete IT consultant and solutions provider. We specialist in Data Protection, specifically Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (#BCDR). We work with medium and large law firms and in the healthcare industry. If you have IT or security questions contact Seth at WareGeeks Solutions. For information or a consultation, call (877) 653-7146, or email us at info@waregeeks.comwww.waregeeks.com

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